Customer Comments
““Great class! Well worth the time. Don’t know how I’ve been accomplishing things without this knowledge.”
““More practical and useful than any other management class I’ve taken.” ”
““Highly relevant course…”
““I think the MS Project and MS Project Server courses were very well conducted and the instructors were great. Both instructors are very experienced in the tool and provided the training required. I really enjoyed the training and learned from them both.””
““I just wanted to express my thanks for such a great Microsoft Project class last week in Kansas City. I really enjoyed the class and learned so much from it. Having sat through numerous training classes and workshops, I can say that I enjoyed your “teaching style” and the wealth of knowledge that you shared with us.””
““The best thing about this course was the instructor - extremely knowledgeable and interesting.””
““One of the best facilitative instructors that I’ve ever run across.”
““Excellent class! Instructor is very skilled at training adults. It could be a boring topic, but was presented in a way that was always interesting and kept everyone’s attention.”
““Especially helpful was the Bridge add on for MS Project. This tools makes a very difficult process much easier to use. This will go a long way to help me make better use of MS Project.””
““…really great instructor…I learned a great deal in the class.””
““This class was excellent! I learned much practical and appropriate information.”
““Instructor very knowledgeable with a wealth of experience.”
““The instructor was awesome! He combined real-life examples with the applications, which lent great credibility to his presentation.”
““The best thing about the course were the great examples and making use of our own projects.””
““One of the best courses I have attended. I learned a lot from the instructor and his CD data.”
““The best things about this course was its summary style: 3 days packed full of useful info!”
“”Great class. Got a lot!”
“”The workshop made project management make sense and was very organized.”
““This course is a good “holistic” PM/MSP class.”
““I got quite a bit from the course that has already helped me in dealing with my current plan.”
““The hands-on integration of methodology with MSP software was the best, I loved the templates and working with our own plans was a great benefit.”
““Course Material, course planning and instructor were excellent.”
““Very Logical, simple, straightforward approach to project management that does not require a lot of input time and paperwork. To me it seems easy to use. I recommend it to everyone who is involved in project management in any way. I would recommend it to anyone who is preparing for any role in leadership or management.””
““Integration of real world examples with management theory.”
““I really enjoyed the Integrated Project Management course you taught this week, and I appreciate all the obvious effort you have put into the course to make it so interesting, informative, and fast-moving.”
““The best thing about this course was the way that the instructor kept every one involved. I found the class very interesting and informative.” ”
““The best thing about this course was: (1) the instructor was very helpful and very enthusiastic, and (2) the forms to track progress (Focus form, Change form, etc).””
““As a group we now have a common language/method for managing projects”
““The Process Bridge and MAP process for setting up projects was made easy to understand. The course was excellent and instructor was very knowledgeable.””
““Outstanding, I plan to get up my whole department up to speed with this information.””
““I really enjoyed your insights and teaching. I am glad the company gave us the opportunity to attend.””
““The instructor had a lot of insight into project management.” ”
““The instructor did an excellent job relating real-life experiences to the theory and practice.” ”
““The methods used to teach the class led to a much better end product with regards to the total quality of the training. I was also so impressed with the feedback I received from the other students about the quality of Ray’s instruction that we are looking into further training.”
““Excellent job relating real-life experiences with the system. Friendly, knowledgeable, helpful and enthusiastic.””
““Materials were great and in abundance.”
““Great job! The Process Bridge for MS Project is great. I am also happy with the materials provided, it provides a great resource for after training so that I am able to refresh my memory.””
““Excellent instruction. Both instructors did an excellent job. We would have liked to have more time in the class.
““Enjoyed the instructors insight and additional information relating to project management as well as MS Project in the Enterprise.””
“Ray was very knowledgeable and personable. He was a master at using the program. His personal tips and tricks were quite excellent. I also enjoyed his stories throughout the presentation.”
““Especially helpful was the Bridge add-on for MS Project. This tool makes a very difficult process much easier to use. This will go a long way to help me make better use of MS Project.””
““I enjoyed the class and think this will be very beneficial to my job.””
““…really great instructor…I learned a great deal in the class.””
““The materials are great. I really like the information available for desktop use on the cd I can utilize after course completion.””
““Instructor very knowledgeable with a wealth of experience.”
““The instructor was awesome! He combined real-life examples with the applications, which lent great credibility to his presentation.””
““The best things about the course were the great examples and making use of our own projects.””
““The Process Bridge software is great. I will definitely use it.” ”
““First rate and well presented.” ”
““Informative and entertaining. Good flow to the workshop. Instructor adaptable and personable.”
““Comprehensive. Great! Highly skilled, highly experienced, highly professional. Smooth. Excellent. Great Stories!” ”
““The instructors were extremely versed in the topic and relayed the information in an easily understandable and retainable method, excellent methodology and Trainee interaction.””
““Entertaining and kept up energy level during not so exciting training subject.”
““The lessons learned and information taken away from this course will definitely help us in the managing and configuration of this tool.””
“ “Highly relevant course…””
““I enjoyed the class and think this will be very beneficial to my job.” ”
““Awesome. Instructors were prepared and very helpful. Totally Awesome materials. If you update the materials or add new ones. I’d love to get them.””
““The instruction was excellent and the small class size provided for a great one to one exchange when questions arose. Really like the Process Bridge. The instruction materials are charts are of an extreme help.””
““The Bridge Software for MS Project included in the course makes simplicity out of Microsoft’s complex tools””
““The best thing about this course was: (1) the instructor was very helpful and very enthusiastic, and (2) the forms to track progress (Focus form, Change form, etc).”
““The Process Bridge software for MS Project is a wonderful time saver. I also will get a lot of use out of the forms.”
““I really enjoyed the Integrated Project Management course you taught this week, and I appreciate all the obvious effort you have put into the course to make it so interesting, informative, and fast-moving.””
““I have recommended this workshop to the civil service office that deals with the planning and estimating at this base. I feel your workshop would greatly benefit our overhaul facility””
““Both instructors were very knowledgeable on EPM. Both presented the information very well and in a very professional manner. All materials were timely and the charts are very helpful in laying the process out in an understandable fashion.””
““Great Job! Enjoyed the class.” ”
““The instructor did an excellent job of presenting the material and responding to questions. He really demonstrated knowledge and enthusiasm for the subject.””
““Very good instructor, comprehensive and knowledgeable. Outstanding materials.””
““Outstanding program!!”
““Materials were very useful. Process Bridge will simplify my day-to-day interaction with Project. The reference cards provided a good guide and will continue to serve in my and the PMO’s daily activities.””