Microsoft Project Training
This is the very best Microsoft Project training in the market place. Our workshop developed and evolved over time from training on the very first version of Microsoft Project. This workshop has been presented to thousands of participants all across North America and around the world.
We offer one type of Microsoft Project training that is either presented onsite at your location or provided remotely by an instructor. The workshop is called iPM (Integrated Project Management workshop), the general theme is Microsoft Project integrated with the standard project management tools and techniques.
The main thing to keep in mind is that we always customize our workshop and materials around your schedule, experience, needs and objectives.
Our materials are very flexible and agile. They have created in such as way as to add or pull modules so that we can meet your specific training needs. Let's say you have a group of people that are not only new to Microsoft Project, but new to project management and you not only want them to learn Microsoft Project from start to finish, but also the project management tools and techniques for initiating and closing a project. Our materials are fully integrated with the tools and techniques presented in A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide), so we can easily add project management topics or processes to a Microsoft Project workshop.
All of our workshop are based on best practices and a process, in this case on the best process for planning and managing a project in Microsoft Project. We call this process Project MAP (Methods, Actions & Processes).
Our instructors are very knowledgeable and flexible too. We can easily teach workshops that have both new and experienced participants. We have taught workshops in barns, underground, on ships, during the early morning hours, late in the evening, on alternate schedules and on weekends.
When we present a workshop remotely, we use a presentational tool like gotomeeting, and the primary difference between that type of workshop vs. an onsite workshop is that the most we time we spend in the workshop on a given day, is four hours. An onsite workshop typically runs seven to eight hours. In addition, with an online workshop we do not conduct exercises, but rather give exercises to be completed before the next session. In general, an onsite workshop is cheaper (no travel costs for instance) and shorter (more focused on content), but there is more risk (technical failure) and quality may go down if participants are less attentive for a variety of uncontrolable reasons.
Last, our workshops are not just the most advanced taught by the most experienced, but we provide participants with dozens of tools, files, forms, etc., to carry on after the workshop. Access to the online Microsoft Project Training Matrix is perpetual, and upgrades the the Microsoft Project App Process Bridge, are alway free.
Online Microsoft Project 2016 Training Matrix. Microsoft Project steps, materials, videos and references.
Note: A lot of terms are used to describe Microsoft Project Training. It might be called an MSProject Class, seminar, presentation, course, etc., but the term we like to use is "workshop." We like participants to bring their own projects to work on, so that the training can be as real and applicable as possible. We also think that when a participant struggles with a feature related to their project that can be addressed by the instructor, or asks a question specific to their project in a workshop setting, learning is much better.
Workshop Description
How to get the best Microsoft Project training for the money
First, download and review our two-day MSP workshop description and workshop schedule, and then review our workshop pricing. Your actual workshop maybe more or less than two days, but this is a good place to start.
Second, answer these questions:
- What are your objectives? Limit it to three objectives or goals.
- Who do you want to train?
- What do those you want to train already know? What is their experience? Typically, we ask pre-workshop participants a set of questions to better tailor the workshop. View survey.
- For those you want to train, can you quantify how effective they have been in using Microsoft Project, if they have been using Project at all.
- Do you want follow-up after the workshop, such as project manager mentoring or quality verification of participant Microsoft Project plans?
- What are your constraints in terms of 1) time, 2) quality of the workshop you want and expected outcomes and 3) the amount of money you want to spend?
Last, contact us to review and determine if we can provide the best Microsoft Project training for you.
““Fantastic instructors! They made sense out of a product that doesn’t always make sense.””
““Outstanding course, instructor, & materials!””
““Excellent class. It helped cement some areas of MSP and also clarify some process management relationships.””